How To Protect Yourself from the Sun When Outdoors

The human body has a love-hate relationship with the sun. While we need the sun to help us produce vitamin D, this beautifully hot globe of burning fire can also burn our skin, cause premature aging, and even damage our retinas. It’s hard to believe the sun is 92.995 million miles from Earth and still causes problems for us if we are out in it too long. You can especially experience the dangers of the sun if you do not protect yourself while outdoors. Protection can mean employing several factors, at the very least, a strong SPF lotion. Today, we are going to talk about sun protection, including why it’s important and what you can wear and do to make sure the sun doesn’t cause you any problems. 

You need to wear sunscreen at all times while outdoors, and apply it often if you are sweating or swimming. Ideally, you should reapply your sunscreen every couple of hours. Do not use a sunscreen lotion that is less than 50 SPF for the best protection. Do not use a spray sunscreen because studies have shown these are not as effective as the kind you rub into your skin. If you are unsure of the kind of sun protection lotion you need, ask your dermatologist for advice because they can help. 

You should also wear the right clothing while in the outdoors. Long sleeves, hats, and long pants can help protect against sunburns caused by too much sun exposure. You need to be careful about the materials of your clothing because meshes and light-colored clothing or thin materials can allow the sun’s rays to shine through the fabric and lead to sunburns. To make sure you are protected fully, you are going to need to wear the right clothing and a strong SPF protective lotion on all exposed body parts, paying special attention to those often-forgotten areas, such as the head, ears, and back of the neck. Forgetting these areas can cause an unwelcome sunburn to develop, which can lead to pain. 

Did you know your eyes can develop sunburn too? It’s true! The sun’s UV rays can wreak havoc on your eyes. Not only can the soft tissues become burned, but you can also develop retinal damage and diseases with too much sun exposure. If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you are going to need to wear protective sunglasses that block the sun’s harmful UV rays and prevent them from damaging your eyes. You should choose a pair of sunglasses that offer strong UV protection and shield your eyes completely. Wraparound styles are usually best because they shield your entire eye from the sun, including the sides. You should ask your eye doctor before purchasing any sunglasses. If you wear eyeglasses or contacts, make sure to talk to your doctor about prescription lenses so you can see clearly. 

Many people may not realize there are certain times of the day that are more dangerous for getting sunburned. The hours of 10:00am to 4:00pm are the most dangerous because this is when the sun’s rays are the strongest. If you must be outdoors during this time, make sure to protect yourself against the sun’s rays. It’s important to remember that the rays are not the only part of the sun you need to worry about. The heat is also problematic and can lead to heat exhaustion and strokes. Plan on spending as much time as you can in the shade so you don’t get overcome with heat. You should also drink plenty of water. Try drinking at least eight ounces every one to two hours while you are outdoors. You will need to drink more than that if you are working in the sun or exercising because your body is going to start sweating profusely. If you are sweating a lot, you should also be concerned about your electrolytes because they can drop without warning. 

While the sun is necessary for life on Earth, we humans need to realize its dangers and protect ourselves. Wearing the right protective sun protection lotion, shielding clothing, and protective sunglasses will keep you from developing burns to your skin or eyes. To avoid issues with heat, make sure you are staying hydrated and remain in the shade as much as you can. Although a little bit of sun exposure is good for your body, too much can cause problems with your overall health and can even negatively impact your eye health over time.